TradeWinds Seychelles #D576
Contenido de esta noticia de multipropiedad
Datos De Contacto De TradeWinds Seychelles
Check In: 17:00
Check Out: 9:00
Información Importante: Prohibido el ingreso de mascotas. Su ingreso podría resultar en la cancelación de la reservación u otras penalizaciones.
Teléfono de recepción:
Cómo Llegar A TradeWinds Seychelles:
The International Airport of the Seychelles (SEZ) is serviced by companies offering flights routing through and from France (Ethiad – Emirates – Qatar) One company also offers flights from and to Italy (Blue Panorama) and there are direct flights from Johannesburg, South Africa. Once in Mahe, take the 7-mile taxi ride to Eden Island Marina and check in at Dream Yacht Charter’s base.
Vacaciones De Intercambio RCI En TradeWinds Seychelles
Intercambio RCI destinos en TradeWinds Seychelles #D576 con
TradeWinds offers you the unique experience of exploring the beautiful sailing areas of this magnificent destination. Live onboard a catamaran for a week, and visit different islands, with your days ending with cocktails and dinner in quiet bays, where the yacht will moor overnight. Unspoiled, timeless, unhurried and pristine, the 115 granitic and coralline islands of the Seychelles archipelago lie 1,000 miles off the eastern coast of Africa. These spectacular granitic islands, which largely make up the Inner Islands group, are easily recognizable by their unique sculptured granite boulders, which run alongside its stunning white sand beaches. Fantastic sailing conditions remain all year round. Many of the islands remain sanctuaries for rare and exotic flora and fauna – and it is this geographical diversity, which makes visiting the many different islands extremely popular. The islands are a melting pot of different races, traditions and religions from the four corners of the earth.
Servicios e instalaciones en TradeWinds Seychelles:
MarinaRestaurante MarinaSpa
(En las inmediaciones)
Destino de RCI TradeWinds Seychelles
Tipo de Apartamento: Hotel
Privacidad: 2
Capacidad: 2
Cocina: No hay
Baño: 3/4 Baño: Ducha, Lavado, Retrete
Servicio de limpieza (podrán aplicarse tarifas): Mitad de semana Teléfono
Tipo de Apartamento:
Cancelar un tiempo compartido en TradeWinds Seychelles
Abogados especializados en cancelación de multipropiedad de TradeWinds Seychelles (Cancelación, Nulidad y Defensa en España)
Destinos RCI – Intercambio de semanas RCI – RCI Vacaciones – RCI Complejos En España – Nulidad De Multipropiedad – Abogado de Multipropiedad – Venta de Multipropiedad